Following is our current list of online businesses and premium domains available via a flexible and secure lease buy model. Click on the associated Contact us with your offer button.
- CatchTheFilm.com
- ThePastaChannel.com
If you don’t currently see an established business of interest, check back later or contact us with your requirements.
Catch The Film provides a discovery, viewing and sharing platform with highly-rated curated, original and exclusive films and videos. Films and videos on Catch The Film are available worldwide on the Web, Social and affiliated Cable channels. Genre highlights: Funny, Action, Animation, Classic Films, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Film and Video Production, Music and Sci-fi.
- https://catchthefilm.com
- 1st Page in Google Search (combined ~1 Billion results pages) for “catch the film” and “catch a film”
- Domain Age: 10+ years
- YouTube, Facebook and Twitter assets included
- https://youtube.com/catchthefilm
- Packaged with multiple domain name extensions
- U.S. Trademark included
- Multiple appraisals from top appraisers
- Will consider offers over $245,000 (Lease or Payout terms also considered)
- Contact us with your offer
One of our established websites for sale, is about discovering authentic pasta recipes. It features classic and creative authentic pasta recipes and techniques that will enable you to compete with the best Italian restaurants – right in your own kitchen. Perfetto Cibo Italiano! (Perfect Italian Cooking!). Watch videos on cooking perfect pasta, pasta dishes, tomato sauce, pesto sauce, risotto and more.
- http://thepastachannel.com
- #1 in Google (and other SERPs) for “pasta channel”
- Domain Age: 10+ years
- Facebook and Twitter assets included
- Packaged with Pasta.cc
- U.S. Trademark included
- Will consider offers over $34,000 (Lease or Payout terms also considered)
- Contact us with your offer